
Review on Lessons 52-57 get,make,let,haveの使い分けが思ったよりも全然分かってない

Fill in the blanks with "make", "have", "let", or "get".次の会話を読んで、"make", "have", "let", または "get" を使って穴埋めをしましょう。 Mark : I'm sorry, but I don't think I can fix the toilet.Katie : It's okay. I will ーーーthe mainten…

I got really frightened.~Passive without "to be" (be 動詞を使わない受動態)~

frightened - really scared おびえた-本当に怖い Because he was going to go to that same mall on that day. 彼がその日に同じ商店街に行くつもりだったからです。 He followed his ex-girlfriend and shot her. 彼は元ガールフレンドを追いかけ、彼女を…

You have an allergy, don't you?  付加疑問文

A question tag is a grammatical structure in which a declarative or an imperative statement is turned into a question by the addition of an interrogative fragment. For example, in the sentence "You're John, aren't you?", the statement "You…