Edon (エドン) 先生@philipine


  • The Student chose textbook SIDE by SIDEコース - 4-17 : Chapter 3-3 Page 38

  • レッスンが開始しました。

  • Edon

  • New Vocabulary words: 1. bee 2. bicyclist 3. courier 4. flowerpot 5. identification card 6. knock down 7. office building 8. overnight mail 9. pickpocket 10. puddle 11. run over 12. splash 13. sting - stung - stung 14. windowsill


  • RULE 1: Relative pronoun clauses are adjective clauses that modify nouns. The relative pronoun WHO refers to people while the relative pronoun THAT refers to things. EXAMPLE: He was run over by a bicyclist WHO was riding on the sidewalk. He was hit on the head by a flowerpot THAT has just fallen. RULE 2: A clause is a group of words with a verb and a subject. It can be INDEPENDENT or DEPENDENT. An independent clause has a complete thought while a dependent clause doesn't have. Relative pronoun clauses are dependent clauses (they support the main clause for additional information). EXAMPLE: In the sentence: He was run over by a bicyclist WHO was riding on the sidewalk. Independent clause: He was run over by a bicyclist. (the thought is complete/stands alone) Dependent clause: Who was riding on the sidewalk. (the thought is incomplete/can't stand alone)

    規則1:関係代名詞節は、名詞を修飾する形容詞節です。関係代名詞WHOは人を指し、関係代名詞THATは物を指します。例:彼は、歩道に乗っているWHOの自転車にひかれた。彼はちょうど落ちたばかりの植木鉢に頭を殴られました。規則2:節は、動詞と主語を持つ単語のグループです。 INDEPENDENTまたはDEPENDENTにすることができます。独立節には完全な考えがありますが、従属節にはありません。関係代名詞節は従属節です(追加情報の主節をサポートします)。例:文章の中で:彼は歩道に乗っているWHOの自転車にひかれた。独立条項:彼は自転車に乗った人にひかれた。 (思考は完全/独立)従属条項:誰が歩道に乗っていたのか。 (思考は不完全です/独立することはできません)

  • incomplete


  • 1. What happened to Alan as he was leaving his apartment building?

  • Alan was hit on the head by a flowerpot that had just fallen from a windowsill.

  • 2. What happened while he was waiting for the bus?

  • While he was waiting for the bus, he was almost run over by a bicyclist who was riding on the sidewalk.

  • 3. What was taken from Alan?

  • All his money and identification cards were taken.

  • 4. What happened to Alan when he finally got to work?

  • Alan arrived at work an hour late, and he was yelled at by a manager who was in a very bad mood.

  • flowerpot

  • 1. a company or employee of a company that transports commercial packages and documents. "the check was dispatched by courier"

    1.商用パッケージおよびドキュメントを輸送する会社または会社の従業員。 「小切手は宅配便で発送されました」

  • ―復習タイムの時間となりました。

  • 人身事故

    Personal accident

  • personal accident

  • 人間が線路に飛び込んだ

    Human jumped into the railroad track

  • 人間が線路に飛び込んだ Human jumped into the railroad track

  • a person jumped in front of the train and committed suicide


  • 定時に追われなかった

  • 定時に終われなかった

    Did not finish on time

  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 3 分となりました。

  • I didn't finish my work on the deadline


  • My boss was angry at me

  • I stayed at the company


  • to work overtime
