Denis (デニス) 先生@フィリピン Andy (アンディー) 先生@フィリピン

  • こんだけIt's clearlyって言ってたのに、初めてIt’s clearだよって指摘してくれた。感謝。
  • The Student chose textbook SIDE by SIDE 4 - 31 : Chapter 5-1 Page 65-67

  • レッスンが開始しました。

  • Denis

  • Ai

  • It's clearly. >>It's clear.

  • RULE: The present real conditional is used to predict what will happen under certain (real) conditions. This form uses the present form of the verb in the if-clause, and the simple future in the result clause. Even though the if-clause refers to a future condition, it is in the simple present form of the verb. EXAMPLES: If If the weather is good, If it rains, Result she'll probably ride her bicycle. he'll probably watch TV.

    ルール:現在の実際の条件は、特定の(実際の)条件下で何が起こるかを予測するために使用されます。この形式では、if句で現在形の動詞を使用し、結果句で単純な未来形を使用します。 if節は将来の状態を指しますが、動詞の現在形です。例:天気が良ければ、雨が降れば、結果彼女はおそらく自転車に乗るでしょう。彼はおそらくテレビを見るでしょう。

  • will = future

  • probably = /ˈprɑː.bə.bli/

  • praa· buh · blee

  • 1. A: What's Ben going to do this Saturday? B: If it's sunny, he'll probably go to the beach. If it rains, he'll probably stay home.

  • 2. A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: If I still have a cold, I'll probably stay in bed. If I feel better, I'll probably go to work.

  • lay on

  • stand

  • sit down

  • 3. A: What are Mr. and Mrs. Taylor going to do tonight? B: If they're tired, they'll probably read books. If they feel energetic, they'll probably go dancing.

  • 4. A: Where is Roy going to have lunch today? B: If he's busy, he'll probably eat lunch in his office. If he isn't busy, he'll probably go to a restaurant.

    4. A:ロイは今日どこで昼食をとりますか? B:忙しいなら、彼はおそらく彼のオフィスで昼食を食べるでしょう。彼が忙しくないなら、彼はおそらくレストランに行くでしょう。

  • a/an/the

    a / an / the

  • artical


  • article


  • 5. A: Where is Lisa going to go after school today? B: If she has a lot of homework, she'll probably go back to her house. If she doesn't have a lot of homework, she'll probably go to a park.

  • 6. A: What's Alan going to have for dessert this evening? B: If he decides to stay on his diet, he'll probably have yogurt. If he decides to forget about his diet, he'll probably have ice cream.

  • RULE: The PRESENT REAL CONDITIONAL is used to talk about what might happen under certain (real) conditions. This form uses the present tense in the if-clause, and modals of possibility plus a verb in the result clause. EXAMPLES: If If he comes to the beach, If Abigail goes to school today, Result he might get sick. she might give her cold to the other children.

    ルール:PRESENT REAL CONDITIONALは、特定の(実際の)条件下で何が起こるかについて話すために使用されます。この形式では、if節で現在時制を使用し、結果節で法助動詞と動詞を使用します。例:彼がビーチに来た場合、アビゲイルが今日学校に行った場合、結果彼は病気になる可能性があります。彼女は他の子供たちに風邪をひくかもしれません。

  • ―復習タイムの時間となりました。

  • modal of possibility = might (edited)


  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 3 分となりました。

  • 1. A: Do you think Abigail should go to school today? B: No, I don't. If she goes to school today, she might give her cold to the other children.

  • 2. A: Do you think I should skip my history class today? B: No, I don't. If you skip your history class today, you might miss something important.

  • 3. A: Do you think Roger should quit his job? B: No, I don't. If he quits his job, he might have trouble finding another one.

  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 1 分となりました。

  • 4. A: Do you think I should put some more salt in the soup? B: No, I don't. If you put some more salt in the soup, you might spoil it.

    4. A:スープにもう少し塩を入れるべきだと思いますか? B:いいえ、違います。スープに塩を少し入れると、だめになるかもしれません。

  • 5. A: Do you think we should try to break up that fight? B: No, I don't. If we try to break up that fight, we might get hurt.

  • 6. A: Do you think Ricky should stay up and watch TV with us? B: No, I don't. If he stays up and watches TV with us, he might have trouble getting up in the morning.






  • The Student chose textbook SIDE by SIDE 4 - 32 : Chapter 5-2 Page 68-69

  • レッスンが開始しました。

  • Andy

  • Cavite City - near Manila

  • 7,500

  • Bacolod

  • Palawan


  • 透明


  • ボラカイ

  • inside the cave


  • 3年以内

    Within 3 years

  • 100000


  • 沈黙


  • ―復習タイムの時間となりました。

  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 3 分となりました。

  • May

  • 2018

  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 1 分となりました。

  • Riyadh
