The Rising Demand for Facial Surgery During Lockdown

  • The Student chose textbook デイリーニュース 全記事(初級) : 70 : [Level 4-5] The Rising Demand for Facial Surgery During Lockdown

  • レッスンが開始しました。

  • Drake

  • Ai

  • 輸入


  • Mariah Carey


  • The project was clearly a failure.


  • The popularity of cosmetic surgery continues to soar.


  • The company claims that this cream will reduce wrinkles.


  • The heart transplant was successful.


  • We were warned against using the faulty light switch.


  • I was concerned to hear that they stayed out too late.


  • 1. What is Lockdown Face? A. information on how to get rid of wrinkles B. concern about our appearance during online conference calls C. a UK register of plastic surgeons Answer : B. concern about our appearance during online conference calls Reason : (1st Paragraph) After spending hours staring at our faces during online conference calls, we apparently don’t like what we see...This has led to a new term: Lockdown Face.

    1.ロックダウンフェイスとは何ですか? A.しわを取り除く方法に関する情報B.オンライン電話会議中の私たちの外見に関する懸念C.形成外科医の英国登録回答:B。オンライン電話会議中の私たちの外見に関する懸念理由:(第1段落)何時間も見つめた後オンライン電話会議中の私たちの顔では、私たちが見ているものがどうやら気に入らないようです...これは新しい用語「ロックダウンフェイス」につながりました。

  • 2. What have plastic surgeons in the USA, Japan, South Korea, and Australia also seen? A. increased interest in cosmetic treatments B. poor lighting and low-quality cameras C. an increase in website visitors since March 2020 Answer : A. increased interest in cosmetic treatments Reason : (3rd Paragraph) Plastic surgeons in the USA, Japan, South Korea, and Australia have also seen increased interest in cosmetic treatments.

  • 3. What does Dr. Jill Owen warn against? A. worrying about a lack of diet and exercise B. worrying about what other people think C. worrying about what we look like onscreen Answer : C. worrying about what we look like onscreen Reason : (4th paragraph) Dr. Jill Owen is a British psychologist. She warns against worrying too much about what we see on our screen.

  • staring


  • surgeons


  • body

  • 1. Have you spent more time video calling since the beginning of the pandemic?


  • Yes. Almost 2 years ago since the pandemic started and we can't go outside for work. All meeting and conversation, we need to use video call.


  • ―復習タイムの時間となりました。

  • Yes, I have spent more time video calling since the beginning of the pandemic because it helps me keep in touch with relatives and friends. For example, since going out and meeting people in public has been discouraged due to safety protocols, I've used video calling to see how my friends and relatives are doing.


  • 2. Do you think people worry too much about their appearance?


  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 3 分となりました。

  • 意識する

    To be conscious

  • Yes, I think people worry too much about their appearance because of the film industry and other media. For example, whenever you open a magazine, watch a movie, or see an advertisement, they almost always feature perfect-looking people, and this can have an effect on people.

  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 1 分となりました。

  • 3. Do you agree that poor video quality is also to blame for Lockdown Face?

    3.ビデオ品質の低下が、Lockdown Faceのせいでもあることに同意しますか?

  • Yes, I agree that poor video quality is also to blame for Lockdown Face because computer webcams and internet connection have a direct impact on video quality. For example, if you use a low-quality webcam or have poor internet connection, this can affect the quality of the video and therefore make your face seem worse than normal.
