Teraanga – The Value of Senegal テラアンガ - セネガルの価値

  • The Student chose textbook デイリーニュース 全記事(初級) : 87 : [Level 4-5] Teraanga – The Value of Senegal

  • レッスンが開始しました。

  • hazz

  • multiligual


  • biligual

  • plentiful US /ˈplen.t̬ɪ.fəl/ UK /ˈplen.tɪ.fəl/ if something is plentiful, there is a lot of it available When I was a teenager, jobs were plentiful and the economy was strong. adjective bold US /boʊld/ UK /bəʊld/ not shy, especially in a way that shows no respect He punished the bold child for talking back. noun hospitality US /ˌhɑː.spɪˈtæl.ə.t̬i/ UK /ˌhɒs.pɪˈtæl.ə.ti/ the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors The local people showed me great hospitality. adjective generous US /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/ UK /ˈdʒen.ər.əs/ showing kindness and concern for others She has a generous heart. noun community US /kəˈmjuː.nə.t̬i/ UK /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood) The festival was a great way for the local community to get together.

    豊富な米国/ˈplen.t̬ɪ.fəl/英国/ˈplen.tɪ.fəl/何かが豊富な場合、それはたくさんあります。私が10代の頃、仕事は豊富で、経済は好調でした。形容詞の大胆な米国/boʊld/英国/bəʊld/恥ずかしがり屋ではありません。特に敬意を表さない方法で、彼は大胆な子供に話しかけたことで罰しました。名詞のおもてなし米国/ˌhɑː.spɪˈtæl.ə.t̬i /英国/ˌhɒs.pɪˈtæl.ə.ti/ゲストや訪問者を親切に歓迎するという行為地元の人々は私に素晴らしいおもてなしを見せてくれました。形容詞寛大な米国/ˈdʒen.ər.əs/英国/ˈdʒen.ər.əs/他人への優しさと心配を示す彼女は寛大な心を持っています。名詞コミュニティ米国/kəˈmjuː.nə.t̬i /英国/kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/同じ地域(都市、町、近所など)に住む人々のグループこのフェスティバルは、地元のコミュニティにとって素晴らしい方法でした。集まる。

  • 1. What does teraanga mean? 2. What is the key to teraanga? 3. How does Pierre Thiam describe teraanga?

    1.テラアンガとはどういう意味ですか? 2.テラアンガの鍵は何ですか? 3.ピエール・ティアムはテラアンガをどのように表現していますか?

  • 1. What does teraanga mean? A. hospitality B. nationality C. religion Answer : A. hospitality

  • 2. What is the key to teraanga? A. nationality, class, or religion B. colorful fabric and headwrap C. being open, kind, and friendly Answer : C. being open, kind, and friendly

  • 3. How does Pierre Thiam describe teraanga? A. the more you give, the happier you are B. the more you give, the more you recieve C. the more you give, the less you have Answer : B. the more you give, the more you recieve

    3.ピエール・ティアムはテラアンガをどのように表現していますか? A.与えるほど、幸せになりますB.与えるほど、受け取る量が多くなりますC.与える量が多いほど、答えは少なくなります:B。与える量が多いほど、受け取る量が多くなります

  • requests


  • safe


  • plentiful

  • 1. Do you think that teraanga is good?


  • Yes, I think that teraanga is good because it would result in a safer, friendlier community. For example, if everyone is open and shares things with one another, everyone would have what they want, so there would be no crime.


  • 2. Do you think it is okay for a group of people to eat from one large dish?


  • ―復習タイムの時間となりました。

  • No, I don't think it's okay for a group of people to eat from one large dish because it's not really safe in terms of cleanliness. For example, multiple people eating from a single food container could accidentally cause a spread of germs.


  • 3. Would you give a stranger your mobile phone if they asked to use it?


  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 3 分となりました。

  • ─レッスン終了まで残り 1 分となりました。

  • No, I wouldn't give a stranger my mobile phone because I would be worried about it getting damaged. For example, there is no way of being sure that the borrower will not drop the phone, so I would rather not let someone else use it.
