

Danica (ダニカ) 先生 Read article, books and magazines of your choice. Learn new words everyday. When you hear a new word, try to find its usage, synonyms and antonyms. お好みの記事、本、雑誌をお読みください。毎日新しい単語を学びましょう。…

I woke up early for a change this morning.

unusually for me, I woke up early today. I replied LINE my father because sent me a message. but my father had arleady gone to work and my mother replaid me masage. It is cloudy and velly cold the same as yesterday. I boil water. a morning…

I still have a long way to go.

Sometime, my teacher told me "your pronanciation is very well" I glad to here that! but I'm not god at speaking English in full sentences. I still have a long way to go!

It's been a while since I met my friend from United states last time.

I got motivated I owe it to Poule. I like teacher on Native camp today. she' name is Ami. it likes Japanese name. she from Cameroon. I wark in a TV industry and I useally going on business trips many over seas. but I've never been to south…

It was rainy today.

Chilly wether is back again. It's like winter. but it was rainy today so plobably little hot than real winter. I wanted to go Satochan today. and I went to go there. but it closed. so I thought about going to the another Izakaya or Snack. …

I have a thing for と I have a thing about

forとaboutの違いだけなのに、全く逆の意味になるらしい。 I have a thing for Anime in Japan 日本のアニメが好き I have a thing about spider 蜘蛛が苦手 なんでや!難しすぎるわ英語・・・

中級英会話 5.Social Media Addiction

5.Social Media Addiction ソーシャルメディア依存症 PC smartphoe internet facebook social network Facebookのソーシャルネットワーク girl has smartphone 女の子はスマートフォンを持っています chatting with friends thru line social network ライ…


I have been to many world heritage sites. 翻訳する In summer, the family goes camping in the Smoky Mountain National Park, a World Heritage Site. 夏には、家族は世界遺産のスモーキーマウンテン国立公園にキャンプに行きます。 Great pyramid of G…


This is a laptop. People use it to communicate with people around the world. Businessmen use a laptop for presentations. Students also use them in school for research and to aid their study. これはラップトップです。人々はそれを使って世界中…


discipline compassion speculation compensate fallacy delusion ( illision, hallucination ) misconception ( conception , concept ) pour attirbute exhibit indicate これひたすら書いても意味あるのか分からんからここでやめよう