

Recently, I woke up and want to do exercise. 最近、目が覚めて運動したいです。 weight 重量 lose weight 体重が減る more or gain weight もっとまたは体重を増やす Recently I gained weight so now I want to lose weight by cycling 最近体重が増えた…

Abet in Bagio 語尾は延ばすといいらしい

tropical depression 熱帯低気圧 Baguio City Did you cancel or postpone your studies? 勉強をキャンセルまたは延期しましたか? 1年以内に行けば安くしてくれる It will be cheaper if you go within one year プランは二カ月です The plan is two months…


Emmanuel from Nigeria Ai レッスンが開始しました。 covid 19の前のように普通の生活ができると思いますか Do you think you can live a normal life like you did before covid 19? レストランが必要ないと感じた I felt I didn't need a restaurant わざ…


Momboy Ai scenery 風景 view 見る nature 自然 tourists spots attraction 魅力 huge 巨大な big 大きい gigantic 巨大 job ジョブ occupation 職業 source of income 収入源 income/liveihood 収入/生計 livelihood 生活 news heritage 遺産 Bohol feature…

Bucket list

Bucket list 死ぬまでにやりたいことリスト kick the bucket 死ぬこと、くたばる Noraさんのレッスン、久々にとてもいい先生だったなと感じた。 発音のテキストを選択してたけど、それに縛られず色々話して、セブのスラム街の話だとか、poor area や overpop…

corona virus 絡みの文 part3?

I like to watch movies in my free time. 私は自由な時間に映画を見るのが好きです。 I like sports too, but because of the corona virus, I have to stay at home. 私もスポーツが好きですが、コロナウイルスのため、家にいる必要があります。


sentens emphasize convincing schwa sounds inflection blackets


I heard that Bagio is at high altitude so it's cold in philipppines. altitude ってよく見かけるやつだ!って思って検索したら、 よく見かけるのは attitude でした。これは姿勢。 姿勢と言っても「心の姿勢」や「態度」のほうらしい。 ※ちなみに体制の…

I like traveling

I like travel と言ったら間違いを指摘された。 確かにこれだと 動詞+動詞 なのかな。 I like traveling I like to travel I like to be turlist I like goig on a trip I like taking a trip 何か色々決まりがあって大変。 もう慣れるしかない。 I took a …

map  は ミャァップ

pass map /ae/ cap - cop - cup キャップ-警官-カップ Please grab a seat and sit down. (edited) 座って座ってください。 (編集) bot - beat - but - bat - bit ボット-ビート-しかし-バット-ビット truck トラック

月までのときはin 日付までのときはon

It's on March 12th. in March. The party is at their apartment complex. There's a big pool there. 結局atとinもどっちでもよくねってところで訂正されるからよく分からないんだよなー。イメージの問題だからat the library でも in the libraryでもどっ…


Danica (ダニカ) 先生 Read article, books and magazines of your choice. Learn new words everyday. When you hear a new word, try to find its usage, synonyms and antonyms. お好みの記事、本、雑誌をお読みください。毎日新しい単語を学びましょう。…

I woke up early for a change this morning.

unusually for me, I woke up early today. I replied LINE my father because sent me a message. but my father had arleady gone to work and my mother replaid me masage. It is cloudy and velly cold the same as yesterday. I boil water. a morning…

I still have a long way to go.

Sometime, my teacher told me "your pronanciation is very well" I glad to here that! but I'm not god at speaking English in full sentences. I still have a long way to go!

It's been a while since I met my friend from United states last time.

I got motivated I owe it to Poule. I like teacher on Native camp today. she' name is Ami. it likes Japanese name. she from Cameroon. I wark in a TV industry and I useally going on business trips many over seas. but I've never been to south…

It was rainy today.

Chilly wether is back again. It's like winter. but it was rainy today so plobably little hot than real winter. I wanted to go Satochan today. and I went to go there. but it closed. so I thought about going to the another Izakaya or Snack. …

I have a thing for と I have a thing about

forとaboutの違いだけなのに、全く逆の意味になるらしい。 I have a thing for Anime in Japan 日本のアニメが好き I have a thing about spider 蜘蛛が苦手 なんでや!難しすぎるわ英語・・・

中級英会話 5.Social Media Addiction

5.Social Media Addiction ソーシャルメディア依存症 PC smartphoe internet facebook social network Facebookのソーシャルネットワーク girl has smartphone 女の子はスマートフォンを持っています chatting with friends thru line social network ライ…


I have been to many world heritage sites. 翻訳する In summer, the family goes camping in the Smoky Mountain National Park, a World Heritage Site. 夏には、家族は世界遺産のスモーキーマウンテン国立公園にキャンプに行きます。 Great pyramid of G…


This is a laptop. People use it to communicate with people around the world. Businessmen use a laptop for presentations. Students also use them in school for research and to aid their study. これはラップトップです。人々はそれを使って世界中…


discipline compassion speculation compensate fallacy delusion ( illision, hallucination ) misconception ( conception , concept ) pour attirbute exhibit indicate これひたすら書いても意味あるのか分からんからここでやめよう

円滑な人間関係=smooth comunication

It's mature for the people to have smooth communication with other people. (edited) 他の人とスムーズにコミュニケーションをとることは、人の成熟です。 It's immature for people to have a lot of likes and dislikes about people. (edited) 人が人…


It's immature of my junior high school teacher to have a bad mood in class because of his team losing a game the other day. 先日彼のチームが試合に負けたのでクラスで機嫌が悪いのは私の中学校の先生の未熟なことです。 because his team lost in a…

人 want 人 to (ask, needも使い方は同じ)

【例: Example】 Teacher She wants to go home, but she doesn't have a car. You She wants her friend to give her a ride. She asked her friend to give her a ride. She needs her friend to give her a ride. I want my friend to stop drinking too …


ガンダムSEEDとDISTNYの主題歌 西川さん初の自らのプロデュースということで「起動する」という意味でつけたらしい。二曲目のほうはシン・アスカをイメージした「点火」。そして意味分からんほどの使い方がアルクに乗ってたから一例をコピー。 invoke 他動 …


ただ羽鳥さんにかけているのかと思ったら、ちゃんと英語としての意味もあって感動。 Morning bird Early bird どちらも「早起きな人」「朝型人間」「出社時間より早く来る人」 を表すらしい。 夜型人間は Night owl・・・ふくろう? 普通にMorning personとN…

Review on Lessons 52-57 get,make,let,haveの使い分けが思ったよりも全然分かってない

Fill in the blanks with "make", "have", "let", or "get".次の会話を読んで、"make", "have", "let", または "get" を使って穴埋めをしましょう。 Mark : I'm sorry, but I don't think I can fix the toilet.Katie : It's okay. I will ーーーthe mainten…

I got really frightened.~Passive without "to be" (be 動詞を使わない受動態)~

frightened - really scared おびえた-本当に怖い Because he was going to go to that same mall on that day. 彼がその日に同じ商店街に行くつもりだったからです。 He followed his ex-girlfriend and shot her. 彼は元ガールフレンドを追いかけ、彼女を…

You have an allergy, don't you?  付加疑問文

A question tag is a grammatical structure in which a declarative or an imperative statement is turned into a question by the addition of an interrogative fragment. For example, in the sentence "You're John, aren't you?", the statement "You…

Grammar Beginner53  使役ってムズイ!

Causative verbs ( 使役動詞 : let / get / make / have ) ~させる Let :(軽い許可)~させる Ex : Let me do it. (私にやらせて。) Let me handle it. Have :(上から下の目線で)~させる Ex : I'll have my secretary do it. (秘書にやらせるよ。) Make :(…